Looking for Quality Weed control/ Fertilizing Treatments? We treat your lawn safely, reliably and effectively.
Now serving OKLAHOMA CITY!
Family Pride Since 1985, we’ll do the job right.
Thank you for your interests in our services. Give us a call for a free estimate and explanation of our services. We’ve served the Lawton area for a long time and we would be honored to service your lawn, too. Whether it be a home lawn or a business, hospital or university; we create healthy, beautifully green lawns. That’s right, set up the tee, you’re about to hit a hole in one!Lawn companies choose to prioritize services either by results or lowest prices. At Lawns Like Greens, we emphasize dependable services, quality results, the use and application of the safest products available. We could cut costs but I’d rather explain a higher price than bad service and poor results.You’ll enjoy a local office with friendly, local folks to set up and service your lawn’s needs. Give us a call.Check out our services page to learn more about how we can help your lawn properly.